Sunday, December 9, 2012

Priorities...a battle

It is a tough balance between what matters and what should matter in life.  Just like a river, life has an ebb and flow.  Circumstances change and even good friends come and go.  There are so many things that demand our time. Jobs, schooling, service to others, hobbies/entertainment, and family are just a few that come to mind.  With the constant bombardment of information and the easy access to entertainment, it is easy to lose sight of the things that truly require our attention, such as our families.  I have heard it told that there often exists a good, better, and best to most things.  Internet entertainment may be good.  Taking that same time and hitting the water is even better, but doing so with your family is the best.

For those who begin families, and have a passion for the outdoors, a constant internal battle goes on.  How often do you take your children or whole family with you to fish?  Should you stop fishing altogether and spend that time at home?  Do you fish too much for your family activities?  Maybe this is only something that I confront in my particular circumstances.  Who knows.  What I do know is this; my family is the most important thing and always should be.  Children will not always be young and desire your constant company and attention.  Its the struggle that has defined much of my married life, going back and forth between a love (my family) and a passion (fishing).  Balance...  I'm still working on it.

I first saw this video shortly after it was published, and it left a remarkable impression on me then.  It is centered around a guy who loves to hunt, and though I do not now hunt the message is the same.  (I would hunt, but I find it difficult pulling myself away from the water long enough to really consider it.)  Hunting aside, these guys "get it."  Sometimes getting your ducks in a row requires a step back.  I find myself taking that step back repeatedly as I try to reign in my enthusiasm for the rod and reel.  The video is a bit long, but well worth the time.

Searching for West from Helio Collective on Vimeo.

I love these stinking kids.

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