Thursday, January 5, 2017

Video Killed The Radio Star... and a video worth watching

I recognize that the tone of my posts as of late have been heavy. I do not apologize. This blog is all about the journey of an angler trying to find balance, while enjoying the passion of fishing. It's not all cupcakes and rainbows. And, for those who take the time to read, I hope you get something for your time.

I recently stumbled on a video by a gentleman named Simon Sinek. He's one of those guys who has keen insight on how things work, and what is going on in our society, in relation to people. I have watched the video a few times now, and have really come to feel that what he has to say is at the root of our social media woes concerning fly fishing. 

I highly recommend that you take the time to listen to what Simon has to say, and think about how it relates to you, to those you socialize with, and the big picture. I see connections, but I wonder if other people will.


  1. I appreciate that his thesis seemed to be (to me, at least) that the technologically driven culture will miss out on JOY over the span of their lifetimes due to lack of connection. I don't agree with every generalization, and am especially sensitive to those who just rag on this generation (he did not do this; he was very constructive and empathetic) as every older generation has done to the incoming one, as if every individual is some sort of caricature. I don't think escapism (and that's what we're really talking about) is anything new. Alcohol has been around forever. Recreational drugs as well. The 60s and 70s had their drug culture. The 40s and 50s everyone was doped up by their doctors, hell, they still are. Before modern medicine and labor rights, who lived long enough, had enough free time, and had the fortune to even consider their impact on the world? You had no choice but to work and be productive, and were lucky to see 60.

    I am a millennial with solid relationships with family and friends, and I don't believe I am an anomaly. There are plenty in this generation who just plain suck, but it's the same for every generation. People are people. I had great parents, went to good public schools, graduated with honors from college, and guess what, my job is just 'ok' too, and sometimes it depresses me. I also have to be intentional about avoiding technology, so I relate to the problem, and millennials get to deal with that plus all the other forms of escapism we have inherited from past generations. It's all about finding balance. I think every generation has its challenges, and grappling with a more technologically driven world might be one of this generation's unique ones, but I'd say it gives me more advantages than not.

    Interacting with the people in my life, fly-fishing, backpacking, hiking... these are where I find my JOY, and if technology helps me get there, I am a-ok with that.

    1. Well said Daniel, and I'm glad you feel comfortable enough expressing your opinion here. We humans certainly have a propensity for displacing responsibility, and I think your ideas are not far off the mark. I do worry about the accessibility of today's "drug". Particularly in relation to modern education. I see it get in the way of learning quite often and it scares me a bit, for the burden being placed on the current students, as well as society to pick up the slack. I too am a millennial, hopefully a well enough adjusted one, but a millennial nonetheless, and I see how it has hurt my own ability to learn and improve my mind. It really does all come back to balance, and proper control and education at appropriate times.

      I think I felt as strongly as you toward the benefits of technology at one point in time. I obviously still see some benefit, as I am plunking around here, but I do see my views changing and evolving, looking for more tangible experiences. That isn't to say this hasn't all been a blessing. I'm just trying to keep it all up for the right reasons. I also think that we enjoy the technology and social media, until we get burned by it, which is usually in the form of a relationship gone awry, technology being the wedge. My experience may certainly be an anomaly, so it would not be fair to say it is the case for everyone. In the end my eyes are being opened to more of the bad, and it leaves me still searching for that elusive balance you mentioned. Thanks for your comment Daniel.

    2. I appreciate your perspective, Chris. I'm sure there is plenty in our individual experiences that relate to many others.

      I saw your night-fishing presentation at Roundrocks in Logan before they closed shop. Good stuff. Going to have to tie an arti-mouse one of these days...

    3. Look forward to seeing the results when you get around to it.

      Cheers Daniel.
