We wadered and rigged up and got on the water pretty quick. Indicators, rubberlegs, and trout bead tailers were the setup. All but one fish for the day were taken on the rubber legs. It seemed to be the ticket, a darkbrown body, brown crazy legs, and a bright pink head. I had tied them up the night before and thought I would experiment.
After the first 30 minutes of fishing we hadn't touched a fish, but finally at the tail out of the hole my indicator violently bolted under water and BAM! fish on. It peeled off some line and started taking me down stream. After a fun fight I was able to land a beautiful 31" wild female.

Caught some other small ones, but nothing to write home about.

There are also some beautiful cutthroat trout in this river! And though I did not take any pictures of them, the whitefish are actually pretty cool looking too.

All in all, I landed 5 steelhead, 4 cutthroat trout, and a whole bunch of whitefish for the day. I think it was my last steelhead trip for this part of the season, but we'll see. Right now I have my sights on setting into some beastly carp. Here's hoping for some warmer weather and soon.
Nice buck! Spring has been so crazy with rain for us that it has been tough not to find a day that wasn't blown out.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog as well.
Mr. Brownliner